Welcome to our exchange and return policy page! We genuinely appreciate your satisfaction and understand that sometimes you may need to return or exchange an item. Let's take a look at how we can simplify this process for you.
If for any reason you are not completely satisfied with your purchase, we offer a 30-day return policy from the date of receipt. All items must be returned in their original condition: unused, unwashed, with all original tags intact and, if applicable, in their original packaging.
To initiate a return or exchange, simply visit our Return Center and fill in the details related to your order. Please include your order number on the confirmation email and the reason for the return. Our team will contact you with further instructions within 48 hours.
If the return is due to our error, such as a defective product or an incorrect order, we will cover all shipping costs. However, if the return is due to a change of mind, we ask you to pay the shipping cost.
For sharing, the process is just as simple. Just follow the same steps as when returning, but select the "exchange" option and specify the new item you want. We'll take care of the rest.
Our team checks all returned items upon receipt. Once your return is approved, we will issue a refund or ship your exchanged item within 5 business days.
Thank you for your purchase. We appreciate your understanding and time.
We are a one-of-a-kind shopping destination, striving to exceed your expectations every time you shop with us. We are committed to providing quality, variety and value to our products, as well as first-class customer service. Our mission is to make your online shopping experience enjoyable and rewarding.